Monday, December 24, 2012

Publication in Apogee:

a Compilation of Solitude, Ecology and Recreation
edited by nüans
(368 pages / 270 pictures / cover with Indian handmade paper / published by Revolver, November 2011)
"The invention of the ship was also the invention of the shipwreck." (Paul Virilio)
APOGEE is the place in the universe that is the most distant to the earth and is a mathematical quantity and allegory for absolute seclusion. In March 2010, nüans was located in three different time zones. Thus the search of ideas and material for a book project started. Further relocations followed and with each city we hit upon further ideas, people and contributions. Within the following year we presented at different locations a preview of the book, which was still growing even in the final stages of completion. Gradually, an expansive archipelago has developed. Finally APOGEE gathers contributions of 80 artists and authors dealing with the topics of isolation, islands and fluctuation.

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